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Desert Food Web

Food web is the sequence of plants and animals through which energy passes for fueling life in living organisms. Food chain starts with plants and ends with animals like grass being eaten by zebra and zebra being eaten by lion. Plants are the producers of fuel ending with animals who are the consumers. Plants and animals in desert regions manage to survive in high temperatures and minimum quantity of water. Plants like Cacti, Euphorbia, Sage Brush and Rabbit Brush are some of the producers in desert food web. Insects, small mammals, lizards and kangaroo rats are the primary consumers which eat plants. The secondary consumers are snakes, scorpion and tarantula. Tertiary consumers are fox and hawk. You have the desert food chain here with plants being eaten by insects and small lizards which are eaten by snakes which are eaten by hawks. Small lizards are eaten by large lizards which are eaten by hawks and snakes. Thus we find the desert food web in this food habit.

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